Homeschool on the Farm
Homeschool on the Farm
September 23 @ 1:00 pm
A curiosity-filled, place-based science and agriculture program for homeschooled students.
In today’s fast-paced, digital age, it’s more important than ever to get children outside in nature and give them a clear idea about where their food comes from. It’s our responsibility to raise a generation of conscientious young adults, and what better way to do this than to teach children about the benefits of regenerative, sustainable agriculture?
Homeschool on the Farm is an inquiry-based program where students use the farm as their outdoor classroom—exploring the production fields, forested areas, aviary, and livestock areas.
Students build their science literacy as they explore, through making observations, generating questions, collecting and analyzing data, and reflecting on their peers’ investigations and questions. During our time together, we think critically about important questions, such as: How does food grow? What do plants need to survive? Why are seeds so important? What is soil and why do plants need it? Who are pollinators and what happens during pollination? And what is healthy food and how do I cook it?