Showy Milkweed (Asclepias speciosa)


Grown from seed using organic / sustainably sourced seed stock and organic soil. Planted in 4″ plastic pot.

PREORDER for pickup from Native Gardens of Blue Hill at the spring plant sale on Saturday, May 28 from 9AM-noon. Plants can also be picked up in person at our farm anytime after May 28.

Out of stock


Asclepias speciosa has a similar appearance to Common Milkweed, but its pinkish-purple flowers have longer, tapered petals that are covered with fine hairs. These persistent, fragrant blooms are often described as looking like small crowns. Showy milkweed may be better suited in garden settings because it spreads less aggressively than Common Milkweed. Showy Milkweed is common through its native range which extends mostly west of the Mississippi River. In its native range, it can be found in prairies, savannas, and other open spaces. It does not tolerate shade, but can handle most soil types.

Asclepias species are excellent nectar sources and are food for the larval stages of Monarch and Queen butterflies. The flowers attract many butterflies and hummingbirds. Like other milkweed species, Showy Milkweed has toxic foliage, though it is suggested that Showy Milkweed may not be as toxic as other species.