Smooth Goldenrod (Solidago Gigantea)


Grown from seed using organic / sustainably sourced seed stock and organic soil.

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Easily grown in average, slightly acidic, moderately rich, moist to wet, well-drained soils in full sun. Tolerates light shade. Intolerant of full shade. Performs best with consistent moisture. Tolerates some flooding in spring. This is a rhizomatous, spreading, somewhat weedy plant that can rapidly colonize an area by creeping rhizomes and self-seeding. Removal of flower heads prior to ripening of seed, if practicable, will help prevent seed dispersal. Taller plants tend to lean over when flowers are in bloom. When grown in garden settings, plants may be cut back by 1/2 in June to reduce height and minimize the need for staking.

Goldenrods are attractive to bees and butterflies. Blooms earlier (sometimes beginning in July) than is the case with many other species of goldenrod.

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4" Square Pot, 6" Round Pot (2.5 quart)